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trample on someone’s feelings
践踏某人的感情  detail>>
 vt. , vi.  踩(烂、碎);踏(坏、倒);蹂躏,摧残;蔑视,轻视,看不起 (on; upon)。 trample down [under f...  detail>>
trample on
践踏, 蹂躏  detail>>
爱的感觉 感情, 情绪, 心情, 情感 感受 情感(蓝色情桃) 心动 真情  detail>>
s feelings
抑制感情  detail>>
shoe trample
踩踏之扫黄先锋  detail>>
trample down
踩坏 践踏 用力蹂躏  detail>>
trample ruthlessly
狼跋  detail>>
be with someone
听懂,在...工作  detail>>
 pron.  有人,某人 〔同 somebody, 但多用于书面语,特别是疑问句或否定句的场合〕。 S- wants to see you. 有人想会见你。 Why c...  detail>>
someone to be there
某个人在那里  detail>>
foot trample footrest
奴才给小少爷当垫脚石  detail>>
trample all difficulties underfoot
一切困难踩脚下  detail>>
trample down the grass
把草踩倒  detail>>
trample law and order foot
法律与秩序  detail>>
trample out the fire
把火踩灭  detail>>
trample under foot
践踏, 蹂躏, 虐待  detail>>
trample upon the international laws
践踏国际法  detail>>